Tonto and the Lone Ranger discuss work issues |
We have gathered a playlist of music that has served to inspire, motivate, soothe and entertain us since the "cruising epiphany". Maybe it will do the same for you. We will post the list along with some of the relevant lyrics under Cruising Musings.
Among these is, of course, "If I had a boat" by Lyle Lovett. Our good friends Raymond and Dana from San Pedro, California introduced us to Lyle's music many years ago on our travels to Bahia de Los Angeles in Baja, Mexico. I have yet to recite these lines from the song, but I am looking forward to the day when I do.
“The mystery masked man was smart
He got himself a Tonto
‘Cause Tonto did the dirty work for free
But Tonto he was smarter
And one day said Kemo Sabe
Kiss my ass I bought a boat
I’m going out to sea.”
"If I had a boat"-
Lyle Lovett